Hot offers in Majorca, Paseo Maritimo, Spain-Balearic Islands by supplier Rhodium
Explore Majorca in a hire car
Having trouble deciding how best to plan your upcoming trip? Rent a car from Rhodium in Majorca. Make your booking more convenient on, and so that Spain-Balearic Islands does not become an expensive trip for your family, explore the great deals with discounts from a reliable car rental company - Rhodium in Majorca.I made a sea cruise, last spring, there was a stop at the port in Mallorca, I decided that the taxi was not very convenient for the whole day, I rented a car. Since I did not know anything on the island, I booked through the website. I got a Seat Leon in the port, with great pleasure I rode around the island. I passed it there.
Oleg Alekseevich , December 28 2020
It is necessary to warn about leaving abroad on a rented car in advance, in my case, it was 5 days, but in general, everything can be arranged and then give the car in the city where it will be convenient. I liked this experiment
Anastasiya Shvetsova , July 02 2019
I started planning my trip in advance and, unfortunately, the car I looked after was not free. I asked a specialist to notify me when I could book it, because I was accustomed exclusively to one model and renting something else would have meant not feeling comfortable behind the wheel. Matter of habit. I was informed when the car was handed over, I immediately booked it. Thank.
Dariya Nesterova , October 31 2018