Hot offers in London, United Kingdom by supplier EasiRent
Explore London in a hire car
When planning a tour to , be sure to compile a list of attractions of interest. Moving in a rental car from EasiRent, you can comfortably ride around the main places of the city and see the villages located in the vicinity. It is also convenient that EasiRent offers a large selection of cars of various classes.I can’t say that I liked the car, but the consultant really picked up the normal option for the price that I designated, so in this sense there are no questions
Lawrence Soto, December 05 2019
The mobile application is convenient, but it often slows down
Danila Novikov , November 28 2019
This is the first distributor, whose services I basically use, so it’s hard to say about my impression. Probably you can finally understand when using the services of several companies. But my subjective opinion is very good, if not to find fault with the condition of the car.
Paris Maynard, November 07 2018
This time, no luck with the car. Next time before making a reservation, I will consult with a consultant
Svetlana Baranova, July 11 2018
Booking procedure is very simple
Natan, January 22 2018