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Explore Minsk in a hire car
Having trouble deciding how best to plan your upcoming trip? Rent a car from Auto Sale in Minsk. Make your booking more convenient on Bookingcar-USA.com, and so that Belarus does not become an expensive trip for your family, explore the great deals with discounts from a reliable car rental company - Auto Sale in Minsk.
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Renault Logan
or similar

price for 3 days
$ 101.38
Skoda Rapid
or similar

price for 3 days
$ 120.88
Mercedes-Benz Vito
or similar

price for 3 days
$ 331.43
2019 - 01 - 29
Rating BookingCar: 
Rating Auto Sale: 
If you are on a business trip, in any case, rent a car through Bookingcar. Minsk rented a RENAULT CAPTUR for 50 euros per day, despite the fact that the price of the reservation included winter tires, navigation and an additional driver function. Insurance decided not to buy.
2018 - 11 - 02
Rating BookingCar: 
Rating Auto Sale: 
I recommend here to book PEUGEOT 108